Squib Loads

Home Reloads

A lot of us reload our own rounds. Following a set of rules and procedures is a must for safe accident free shooting. If you haven’t got a routine that you religiously follow each time you reload, then now’s a good time to get one into place.

Here is a link that demonstrates a squib load due to insufficient powder in the case: https://youtu.be/esfHFW-opGI

FFC Multi-Gun Sunday 17th June at 1pm

Setup from 11am on our Lynwood Road range if you’d like to help us setup the prop walls and targets etc. Shooting from 1pm.

Multi-Gun consists of rifle, pistol and shotgun shot on the same stage.

You don’t need all the fancy gear to be able to come out and have some fun, if all you have are sporting shotguns and rifles, bring those out. We’ll setup something suitable.

There will also be gun sharing and club ammo for sale as required.